• Tests For Cystitis
    (1) Urinalysis A urinalysis is commonly used to reveal white blood cells or red blood cells. (2)Urine culture A urine culture (it must be clean catch) or catheterized urine specimen may be.......
    Author: lixiaop
    Date: 2010-11-26
  • Causes Of Cystitis
    cystitis , (1)The cause of Bacterial cystitis Bacterial cystitis develops when the normally sterile lower urinary tract (it refers to urethra and bladder) is infected by bacteria and becomes ir.......
    Author: lixiaop
    Date: 2010-11-26
  • Types Of Cystitis
    the treatment of Glandular Cystitis , the treatment of interstitial cystitis Generally speaking, there are five types of cystitis: ( 1) Traumatic cystitis It is probably.......
    Author: lixiaop
    Date: 2011-02-26
  • Causes Of Interstitial Cystitis
    The causes of interstitial cystitis are still unclear. Interstitial cystitis is a puzzling bladder condition, in which the bladder wall becomes irritated or inflamed, causing pain and freque.......
    Author: lixiaop
    Date: 2011-03-03
  • Tests For Chlamydial Prostatitis
    1. Routine prostate examination Make an exam of the prostatic fluid. Under microscope, there are more than ten white blood cells in prostatic fluid, and lecithin corpuscle is reduced, and its PH v.......
    Author: lixiaop
    Date: 2012-08-22
  • Symptoms Of Chlamydial Prostatitis
    Chlamydial prostatitis is the main cause of infertility and sexual dysfunction in men. 1. The symptoms of chlamydial prostatitis Ch.......
    Author: lixiaop
    Date: 2012-07-26
  • Symptoms Of Interstitial Cystitis
    1. misdiagnosis of interstitial cystitis The symptoms of interstitial cysti tis are often misdiagnosed as a common bladder infection ( cystitis ) or a UTI(urinary tract infection). I.......
    Author: lixiaop
    Date: 2011-03-03
  • The structure of the prostate
    The prostate gland is made up of glandular tissue and muscular tissue. The prostate is part of a mans reproductive system. The prostate gland is the size of a walnut.The transverse diameter of the pro.......
    Author: lixiaop
    Date: 2011-02-24
  • The function of the prostate
    The main physiological functions of the prostate gland: 1) To secrete prostatic fluid The prostate gland is the biggest accessory genital gland of male, and one of human exocrine glands. It c.......
    Author: lixiaop
    Date: 2010-12-04
  • Symptoms of hydrosalpinx
    1. What is Hydrosalpinx ? Hydrosalpinx is a specific kind of blocked fallopian tube . Hydrosalpinx is formed when a blockage causes the tube to increase in diameter and fill with fluid. Th.......
    Author: lixiaop
    Date: 2011-04-22