gonorrhea is caused by infection with the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, it can also be called the "clap" or "drip". It is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that can infect both men and women. It is also a contagious disease transmitted most often through sexual contact with an infected person. Warm and moist areas of the body will be infected, including the: urethra (the tube that drains urine from the urinary bladder), eyes, throat, vagina, anus and female reproductive tract (the fallopian tubes, cervix, and uterus). It is a very common infection which is commonly found among young people ages 15-24 years.
Gonorrhea Causes
After having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has gonorrhea, you can get gonorrhea. Contact with infected bodily fluids may also spread gonorrhea, so that during childbirth, the newborn can be passed on the infection by the mother. The likelihood of infection can also be increased by behaviors such as alcohol abuse and illegal drug abuse, particularly IV drug use make a person more likely to engage in unprotected sex.
Gonorrhea Symptoms
Within two to 14 days after exposure, symptoms usually occur. Knowing when to seek treatment can be tricky because not all people infected with gonorrhea have symptoms. When symptoms remain “silent” like this, a person is more likely to spread the infection to other partners.
1. Symptoms in men:
Men may not develop noticeable symptoms for several weeks. Some men may never develop symptoms.
burning or painful sensation during urination
greater frequency or urgency of urination
a pus-like discharge (or drip) from the penis (white, yellow, beige, or greenish)
swelling or redness at the opening of the penis
swelling or pain in the testicles
a persistent sore throat
2. Symptoms in Women
Greenish yellow or whitish discharge from the vagina
Lower abdominal or pelvic pain
Burning when urinating
Conjunctivitis (red, itchy eyes)
Bleeding between periods
Spotting after intercourse
Swelling of the vulva (vulvitis)
Burning in the throat (due to oral sex)
Swollen glands in the throat (due to oral sex) Untreated infection with gonorrhea may also result in the infection spreading to the bloodstream. In this case, rash, fever, or pain in the joints may eventually develop.
3. Complications of Gonorrhea in women:
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
Formation of scar tissue that blocks fallopian tubes;
Ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the womb);
Infertility (inability to get pregnant);
Long-term pelvic/abdominal pain.
4. Complications of Gonorrhea in men:
painful condition in the tubes attached to the testicles. In rare cases, this may cause a man to be sterile, or prevent him from being able to father a child.
Rarely, untreated gonorrhea can also spread to your blood or joints. This condition can be life-threatening.
Untreated gonorrhea may also increase your chances of getting or giving HIV – the virus that causes AIDS.
Gonorrhea Diagnosis
Since gonorrhea and chlamydia, another common sexually transmitted disease, often occur together, you may be tested and treated for both to diagnose gonorrhea.
A sample of vaginal discharge or penile will be taken by they will probably take and a glass slide is the place it to be put on. A stain will be added by them to the sample and under a microscope then examine it. If the stain causes reaction from the cells, gonorrhea can be the possibility. Without providing absolutely certainty, this method is easy and quick comparatively.
A swab will be used by your doctor to take a sample of fluid from the urethra in men or from the cervix in women. The specimen will then be sent to a lab to be analyzed. In order to see if the infection is in your throat or anus, you may also be given a throat or anal culture.
A preliminary result may be ready not more than 24 hours. It will use about three days to get the final result. From the throat, tip of the penis, blood, anus, vagina, or joint fluid, doctors can take the sample. By inserting a needle and removing a small amount of fluid, blood or joint fluid will be removed by a healthcare professional. Specimens from other sites can be obtained by a cotton-tipped swab.
The reliability of a gonorrhea test
Depending on the type of test that is used, the accuracy of tests varies. Recommended tests are 90-95% sensitive. This means that they will detect gonorrhea in most people who have the infection. Some tests you can buy may be less reliable.
Remember that no test is 100% accurate. When you have gonorrhea, there is a small chance that a test may show negative. This is called a false negative test result. It is also possible for a test to be positive even when you do not have gonorrhea. This is called a false positive test result. Both of these false tests are very rare but can sometimes explain why you get a different result to your sexual partner.
Gonorrhea treatment
1. Antibiotics
Your doctor will give you either an oral or injectable antibiotic to cure a gonorrhea infection. In order to prevent reinfection and further spread of the disease, your partner should also be treated at the same time.
Some strains of gonorrhea developed resistance to common antibiotics. Scientists are working to develop vaccines to prevent gonorrhea infection since these cases may require more extensive treatment (usually with more expensive antibiotics) or combinations of antibiotics.
2. Herbal medicine
Herbal medicine is an alternative treatment of gonorrhea. In the view of TCM, gonorrhea is caused by toxic materials and Urination Disturbance. By adding different herbs in, a complete herbal medicine can contain lots of function such as clearing toxic materials and relieving stranguria curing gonorrhea. What's more, the immunity and self-healing ability can also be improved by herbal medicine. Women can take Fuyan Pill and men can take Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to get a cure.
3. Treatment tips
Before having sex again, both gonorrhea sufferers and his or her partner must be treated. Adverse reproductive health complications and continued sexual transmission can be prevented by that way, and treating their sex partners can prevent reinfection and infection of other partners.
Take all of the prescribed medicine. Actually, even if the symptoms go away, it is better for patients to take one more week of antibiotics. The gonorrhea treatment is complete then the infection will finally not be in your body. Before having sex again, make sure your partner(s) is/are treated so you don't infect each other.
Make sure your medicine is not shared with anyone.
To make sure the infection is gone, get tested again after three months.
4. Ways of reduce the risk of getting gonorrhea
Being in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and has negative STD test results;
Every time you have sex, use latex condoms the right way.
5. Ways of prevent gonorrhea
Every time you have sex, use condoms correctly.
Do not go back and forth between partners and limit the number of sex partners.
Limit sexual contact to one uninfected partner or practice sexual abstinence.
Avoid sexual contact and see a doctor if you think you are infected.
Any genital symptoms such as discharge or burning during urination or an unusual sore or rash should be a signal to stop having sex and to consult a doctor immediately. Notify all of your recent sex partners so that they can see a doctor and be treated if you are told you have gonorrhea or any other STD and receive treatment.