For Discomfort and Pain of UTI, There Are 13 Home Remedies for Men

Author: John
Time: 2015/12/14 10:51:11

You may have UTI if you have increased urgency, frequency or pain when urinate, uncomfortable feeling for always keeping a full bladder since you are too busy with work even have no time to go to washroom. For Discomfort and Pain of UTI, There Are 13 Home Remedies for Men if their symptoms are not serious:

Home Remedies for UTI.png

  1. Drink Water-A lot of Water You will need to drink a lot of water, and an ice cold glass of fresh water is needed.

  2. Go to pee. A little bit more of the bacteria will be peed out by you every time if you have a UTI. It is a vital part of recovering every time you pee even though it can be uncomfortable.

  3. Drink soda. This is soda as in baking soda, not soda as in a sugary soft drink, it can help anything also UTI from heartburn. 8 ounces of fresh water and 1 teaspoon baking soda are needed.

  4. Drink parsley juice. Acting as a diuretic, the healing process can be speeded up and a UTI can be relieved by it, also it can make a wonderful refreshing after dinner drink. 1-2 cups of water and roughly 1 cup of fresh parsley or 2 tablespoons of dried parsley are needed.

  5. Some celery seeds can be chewed by you. Butylphthalide is one of the constituents of celery oil which can act as a diuretic too. A handful of celery seeds are needed.

  6. Cucumbers. It is an easy way to eat cucumbers, only 1 sliced cucumber is needed.

  7. Avoid the 4 C’s may be helpful. If you find yourself getting UTI’s frequently, there are 4 things you should avoid, they are caffeine, carbonation, citrus and chocolate.

  8. Heat can be used. Painful cramped up can be felt by you caused by nagging discomfort which is a constant one made by irritation and inflammation, not only when you have a UTI and hurts when peeing. A hot water bottle or something similar is needed.              

  9. Ginger tea. Ginger can deal with any condition that involved any kind of inflammation.           

  10. Juice of cranberry. Even though the function is not assured totally, but for a UTI, cranberry juice is helpful as a home remedy.      

11. Affecting the fimbria of the bacteria trying to attach itself to the urinary tract and help ward off potential UTI’s, with the same genus as vaccinium and cranberries, blueberries can be helpful too. 1-2 cups fresh blueberries are needed.       

12. Famous for sinus-clearing, pungent and spicy when spreading made from the white roots of the plant, horseradish, a member of the cabbage family which is originally from Europe is good for curing UTI. A glass of water or milk, a grater and 1/2 teaspoons fresh horseradish (root) are needed.
13. Lemon and tartar’s cream. It is a home remedy which is old. Fresh water, lemon or lime juice which is fresh and 1 ½ teaspoons cream of tarter are needed.

If they have serious symptoms, they need to use medical therapies like antibiotics or a TCM called Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, after taking the TCM, they can be cured within several months usually without any side effect or drug resistance, so TCM way is a better choice.

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