Being Cautiously Treated to the Cervix Bleeding

Author: John
Time: 2016/9/13 13:43:27

As we all know, for women, the cervix is a very important organ, but also a fragile organ. Once the cervix is hurt, the most common symptom is cervix bleeding. The sexual life of husband and wife and cervical polyps may cause the occurrence of cervix bleeding symptoms, and many women with cervicitis, there will be bleeding phenomenon. So, what should we do if cervix bleeding? We should first understand some common sense of it.

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First of all, the female friends must first understand the symptoms of cervix bleeding and typical characteristics, in fact, the majority of cervix bleeding occurred in adolescence and menopause. Majority of gynecological patients after gynecological examination, found to have bleeding phenomenon, very worried. However, the experts introduce that bleeding is a common phenomenon after gynecological examination. If the patient is suffering from cervical disease, usually to take the cervical scraping and other gynecological examination, it is likely to bleed after gynecological examination. Generally, cervix bleeding is caused by cervical day shift, cervical cancer, cervical erosion, cervical ectropion and cervical polyp, but must pay attention to identify before treatment. The main symptoms of hemorrhage are the menstrual cycle disorder, prolonged menstruation and blood volume increase.

When cervical bleeding, do not mess with paper towel to wipe. Since some tissues contain fragrance, additives and chemicals. Suggest that it's best to firstly use warm water to clean the location of the vagina, and then replaced with fresher cotton underwear. Of course, to better treatment of cervix bleeding, it is best to identify which gynecological disease caused, so as to better symptomatic treatment. When people have cervical bleeding, they should pay attention to the hospital in time to cooperate with treatment, that the symptoms can be treated with drugs, but pay attention not to buy drugs by their own to take. At present, however, there are doctors recommend that you can take Fuyan Pill to treat cervix bleeding, because the pill is a natural herbal preparation, it does not have any side effects and can be effective in the treatment of cervicitis.

All in all, we should be careful to treat cervix bleeding, not to any of its development, but also do not need excessive tension. Cervical bleeding, first of all should pay attention to rest, avoid mental stress, overwork or strenuous exercise, if bleeding a lot, should rest in bed to reduce pelvic bleeding, uterine contraction and taking drugs and hemostatic drugs, such as: ergon ovine, agrimony and vitamin K, or you can also use the Fuyan pills.

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