After Getting Pathological Pelvic Fluid, Woman Needs to Find the Cause before Choosing a Treatment

Author: John
Time: 2016/1/19 10:23:05

After getting a big amount of pelvic fluid, a woman often asks her doctor if it is a serious disease or if a fluid extraction is needed. Actually she is too nervous, the big amount of pelvic fluid is pathological pelvic fluid indeed for most cases. But there are many causes of pathological fluid, so women need to find the cause before choosing a treatment, she can't have a fluid extraction blindly.

fluid in pelvis

Acute pelvic inflammation can cause pathological pelvic fluid

When acute PID or chronic PID occurs, membranae tectoria is stimulated by inflammatory material and produces a lot of exudate or fluid in the lowest place. A patient can have quite a lot of fluid, and she will have fever, increased leukocyte and purulent cell. During acute period, antibiotics need to be taken actively, when necessary, a patient can take a combination of different kinds of antibiotics. When the disease is stable after changing into a chronic one, the patient can't be cured still, she can take Fuyan Pill as a type of Chinese herb medicine into consideration.

Bleeding caused by extrauterine pregnancy can cause pathological pelvic fluid

If patients get extrauterine pregnancy caused by salpingitis, tubal adhesion, blockage, hydrosalpinx or PID, when there is a bleeding after a rupture of partial tissue of nidus caused by growing of a fetus, she will have a big amount of pelvic fluid. Then the patient will have symptoms like menopause, abdominal pain, positive result of early pregnancy etc, for serious conditions, she may also have bleeding or hemorrhagic shock. A surgery is needed immediately to cut one side fallopian tube or take the fetus out from fallopian tube.

Cirrhosis and a tumor in abdominal cavity can cause pathological pelvic fluid

If a patient has cirrhosis or a tumor in abdominal cavity, membranae tectoria can produce a lot of exudate after being stimulated, the exudate dissociates in abdominal cavity can be called ascites. By ultrasound, abnormity of liver and nidus of primary tumor can be found. Then new checks are needed. Depending on the result of biopsy, according chemotherapy or radiotherapy should be done after the surgery.

There is one thing needs to be paid attention, that is when there is a big amount of pelvic fluid in a young girl, if it is not caused by pregnancy or artificial abortion, then it is possible caused by corpus luteum rupture. And bleeding in pelvic cavity can be caused by collision or spontaneously, there will be residues of fluid in uterus-rectum-fossa. A timely surgery is needed to stop the bleeding by laparotomy and treatments after surgery like anti-inflammatory, killing pain and sedation.

Reminded: When pathological pelvic fluid occurs, it is suggested to do other checks to find out the cause and choose a treatment accordingly. Extract fluid blindly is not allowed, especially for inflammatory infection patients, extraction of fluid again and again can't cure primary diseases. For patients who have pelvic fluid again and again, they can try Fuyan Pill as a treatment which is mentioned above, the Chinese herb medicine is effective and safe especially for pelvic fluid caused by genital inflammations.

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