If you have pain in ovaries, it maybe caused by annexitis. What cause it and how to cure it?
Annexitis can be caused by hydrosalpinx, adnexitis block and interstitial salpingitis. Patients can feel lower abdomen pain, lower fever, lumbosacral sour and pain or pain in sex, it is a recurrent disease which can be more serious after sex or being too tired. Patients with the disease for a long period of time may have neuroses, like depression, tiredness, uncomfortable feelings in whole body or sleeplessness etc.
In order to diagnose the disease, a doctor will do abdominal examination, which by contacting abdomen of a patient, patient may feel pain when touching by the doctor on two sides of lower abdomen, but there will be seldom other positive symptoms. Or the doctor will do gynecological examination like routine inspection of leucorrhea, B ultrasound of exfoliocytology, pelvic or vagina, electronic colposcopy, routine gynecological examination, laparoscopy etc.
For treatments, there are medical treatments by using antibiotics, hyaluronidase, chymotrypsin, dexamethasone, the combination of adrenocortical hormone and antibiotics or other drugs. But use a type of Fuyan Pill can be a better choice. Antibiotics treatments for patients with apparent symptoms can use antibiotics like penicillin and gentamicin to kill remaining pathogen and prevent its acute breaking out.
The usage of hyaluronidase, chymotrypsin or dexamethasone is effective for hyaluronidase can hydrolyze hyaluronic acid in tissues, accelerate the penetration of drugs. Chymotrypsin can dissolve fibrous protein, eliminate necrotic tissue, hematoma and other secreta. So
The combination of adrenocortical hormone and antibiotics can cure chronic salpingitis. About other drugs treaments, for tube blockages caused by chronic salpingitis, intrauterine injection can be used by choosing gentamicin, α-chymotrypsin, dexamethasone etc.
The treatment of Fuyan Pill, why is it a better one? For it is a type of TCM which has no drug resistance even used for a long period of time, not like antibiotics, if used them for a long period of time, then they must be replaced by new ones or combined them with new ones as new combinations. Also the TCM is safe and green just like food we eat, patients can trust its safety totally, often they can be cured within several months if their symptoms are not very serious. And their annexitis will not recur in the future if preventions are done well.
Hope all patients with annexitis can be cured totally by choosing the right treatment.