Prostatitis patients daily tips

Author: Dr. Lee
Time: 2014/2/25 21:37:36

Three Suicide: Wine, tobacco, spicy food.

Wine: Wine has a function of dilating blood vessels. With Long-term alcohol, prostatitis is not easy to cure, even cured it is very easy to relapse. Especially white wine, this is because prostate congest soon after the body absorb alcohol.

Tobacco: Toxic substances in cigarette smoke including Nicotine, tar, nitrosamines, carbon monoxide, etc. can not only poison prostate tissue but also disturb the Nerve function of vascular. That will affect prostate blood circulation and worsen prostate hyperemia.

Spicy food: spicy food including spring onion, garlic, chili, pepper etc. can cause the expansion of blood vessels. Prostate will keep the state of congestion.

Suggestions: Even during the treatment, prostatitis patients should not have wine, tobacco and spicy foods. Good habit can help accelerate the treatment. And patients should find a good medicinal treatment to cure the disease. Good medicine should diminish inflammation for prostate and relieve the pain with out any side effect. The diuretic anti-inflammatory pill has these functions. It has helped many patients in many countries.

Other bit of advice:

1. Drink more water!

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables! Due to constipation may worsen the symptoms of the belly of the prostate, so eating more vegetables and fruits at ordinary times is good for your health.

3. Don't hold back the urine!

4. Have a Moderate sex life. On the same principle, frequent sex can keep prostate congesting for a long time, which can cause prostate enlarger. Too much abstinence can cause swelling discomfortable. That will also be harmful to prostate.

5. Relax more!

6. Take a shower with warm water!

7. Keep clean. When a man has a large flexibility scale of scrotum, produce more sweat In a poorly ventilated environment, private parts can hide dirt easily, Local bacteria often set in easily. That will cause prostatitis, prostatic hypertrophy, sexual function decline.If not notice timely, private parts will infected seriously. So it is an important part of preventing prostatitis to stick to cleaning the perineum. Besides that, every time persist in cleaning the perineum when having sex.

8. Don't be cold.