PID Risk Factors and Preventions

Author: Dr. Lee
Time: 2011/5/11 16:55:49

pelvic inflammatory disease is a general term for infection of the uterus lining, fallopian tubes, or ovaries. The infection may occur in one part, it can also occur in several organs. Inflammation often spread locally and causes inflammation in organs nearby.

Risk factors include:

Male sexual partner with gonorrhea or chlamydia
Multiple sexual partners
Past history of any sexually transmitted disease
Past history of PID
Recent insertion of an IUD
Sexual activity during adolescence

The following steps may be taken to avoid pelvic inflammatory disease or to keep PID from becoming worse:

Practice safe sex: use a condom when having sex.

Birth control pills and intrauterine devices do not prevent PID.

STD treatment: Sexual partners need to be treated if the person is diagnosed with a bacterial infection such as a sexually transmitted disease. The individual may become reinfected if this is not done; in addition, the sexual partner may become ill also.

Individuals should limit the number of sexual partners and avoid high-risk partners
As in other sexually transmitted diseases, education about prevention techniques is a way to reduce the chance of getting PID.

Key words: PID; pelvic inflammatory disease; PID risk factors; PID preventions