Varicocele Treatment and Male Infertility

Author: Dr. Lee
Time: 2011/4/9 13:55:10

About 25% of all infertility is caused by a sperm defect and 40-50% of infertility cases have a sperm defect as the main cause, or a contributing cause. A common incidence of male infertilityhas been linked to varicoceles.

A varicocele is an abnormal tortuosity and dilation of veins of the pampiniform plexus within the spermatic cord. It is somewhat like a varicose vein of the scrotum. Varicocelesare caused by faulty one way valves with in the vein that carries deoxygenated blood away from the scrotum. Varicocele affects approximately 40 percent of infertile males. A varicocele could possibly affect sperm by increasing testicular temperature. Increased temperature of the scrotum affects sperm production and sperm quality.

Varicoceles usually develop on the left side of the scrotum and may produce no symptoms. Alternatively, varicoceles may cause a sense of fullness and aching and throbbing pain that become bothersome when a man stands. The varicocele feels like a bag of worms if the scrotum is touched when the man is standing. However, the swelling usually disappears and symptoms resolve when he reclines because blood flow to the enlarged veins decreases.

Urologists often diagnose and surgically repair varicoceles. However, correcting a varicocele (surgical procedure) often does not improve the semen quality enough to change the therapy that will be required to result in pregnancy for the couple.

As the prescription of "Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill" has the effect of softening hardness to dissipate stagnation, activating blood circulation by removing blood stasis, clearing heat and detoxifying, this medicine can kill bacteria, eliminate inflammation, reduce swelling and ease pain. And the herbal in the pills provide much oxygen and nutrition in the semen, which is benefit for the growth of semen.

Combined with surgery, male factor infertility caused by varicoceles can be cured.

Keywords: Varicocele ; Varicocele treatment; causes of varicocele ; symptoms of varicocele ; Male infertility