Dietary Therapy for Dysspermia

Author: John
Time: 2019/8/27 16:34:59

Dysspermia, such as necrospermia, oligozoospermia, and asthenospermia, are a normal phenomenon. The fast-paced life rhythm, work pressure, and bad habits of life and other comprehensive factors make more and more males suffer from dysspermia, which also leads to the frequent occurrence of male infertility. Following is an introduction of dietary therapy for dysspermia.

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1. Ginseng

Ginseng is an excellent remedy for patients with abnormal semen. It can effectively increase the number of sperm and enhance the motility of sperm. It is helpful for the treatment and rehabilitation of diseases.

2. Leek

Leek is a removing food that tonify the kidney and invigorates the yang. Frequent consumption can effectively alleviate the symptoms of patients with abnormal semen, and you can soak leek in a wine before eating.

3. Salmon

Salmon is a kind of food rich in protein. Frequent consumption can not only enhance the body's resistance but also effectively increase the hormones in the body, which is beneficial to the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with abnormal semen.

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4. Chocolate

Regular intake of chocolate in patients with abnormal semen can enhance the body's excitability, relieve stress, increase sexual desire, and contribute to the treatment and rehabilitation of the disease.

5. Angelica Sinensis

Angelica Sinensis is a kind of natural herb containing natural plant hormones. Frequent consumption of Angelica Sinensis in patients with abnormal semen can not only increase the hormone content in the body, but also effectively invigorate blood and qi, and enhance sexual desire. Patients can also take natural medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, which contains angelica Sinensis to treat dysspermia.

6. Caviar

Caviar is a kind of food with high protein content. Frequent consumption of caviar in patients with abnormal semen can not only enhance resistance but also increase hormone content and sexual desire.

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Dietary therapy for dysspermia is one of the methods to treat dysspermia. Even for dysspermia caused by disease factors, dietary therapy with natural medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can achieve twice the result with half the effort. In addition, exercise is also effective. Generally speaking, as long as the patient can treat the cause in time, the abnormal semen problem can be cured.

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