How to recuperate from blood deficiency?

Author: Dr. Lee
Time: 2015/12/7 13:12:17

Blood deficiency is a pathological state that refers to insufficient blood or the reduced nutrition transportation ability of blood. It is an abnormal state of blood. People always carry this problem without conscious due to the slight symptoms.



People with blood deficiency are hard to concentrate on work and study and they are easily to get fatigue. What’s more, when they take part in activities, they would experience reduced endurance, dizzy, amnesia, insomnia and so on. To recuperate from blood deficiency, people need to do it from daily life.


1.    Diet conditioning

Black sesame can improve the function of kidney producing blood, of liver storing blood and of the spleen arranging blood. Red dates not only can nurse spleen and stomach, but also can nourish heart and lung. It is good for people are anemia. Pork liver can also be seldom eaten by people who have blood deficiency. Eat lotus root without cook it can cool blood for people. If the lotus root be eaten after cooking it, it can strengthen spleen and stomach. Carrot is excellent for nursing blood and improving kidney deficiency. Brown sugar can strengthen spleen, warm stomach, activate blood and dissolve stasis.


2.    self-mental care

People with blood deficiency are easily to experience lassitude, insomnia, amnesia and distractibility. Thereby, people should do a self-mental care on attention focusing.


3.    Medicine nursing

Angelica sinensis which is a frequently used herbs on replenishing blood can be taken by every on with blood deficiency. In the view of TCM, colla corii asini can nourish yin and supplement blood. Other herbs like medlar, longan, radix rehmanniae praeparata, white peony root, astragalus, radix codonopsis and ginseng are also helpful for blood deficiency.


4.    Rest your eyes

Based on the theory of TCM, blood deficiency can be caused by long time use of eyes. People with this problem should let their eyes rest often. Moreover, massage on eyes is helpful too.

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