Foods in daily diet that help you reduce inflammation

Author: John
Time: 2015/9/25 11:04:06

There is an old saying, "you are what you eat". The foods in our daily life play an important role. Some foods that we eat may help you keep fit and prevent you away from some diseases, while some foods may make your condition worse. Also foods are important when managing inflammation. There are many foods have anti-inflammatory functions.


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We have heard a lot about the benefits of daily diets that help reduce inflammation, and these foods in our daily diets can really make a difference. To reduce inflammation is naturally and effectively is what people are longing for. So what exact foods you could put into your daily diets that help you reduce inflammation?

Below are the foods that may help fight inflammation, you could add these foods to your daily diet so as to reduce your inflammation, but don't just limit your diets only to these foods.


Recent research shows that fermented dairy, such as yogurt contains great number of the beneficial bacteria, which has the effect on inhibiting inflammation.

Olive Oils
Just start to cook with olive oil as soon as possible. It's incomparably high quantity of oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid that has the function to reduce inflammation.  


Salmon has high amounts of healthy omega-3 fats, it is helpful for lowering inflammation.

Red meat has earned its bad reputation for a reason. It's higher in cholesterol and salt, which can trigger inflammation. While fish — like salmon, snapper, tuna, cod, halibut, and bass contain enough protein that are high in omega-3 fatty acid, it also has the effect on reducing inflammation. It's higher in healthy omega acids.

It is one of the best ingredients to use when you are struggling with inflammation. Garlic and onions almost show similar anti-inflammatory functions and sulfur compounds in them is also helpful for minimizing inflammation.


Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, kale and Brussels sprouts, also have the effects on lowering inflammation, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recent study reported.

However, if your inflammation is caused by medical conditions, such as UTI, prostatitis, and some similar male's disease that caused by genital inflammation, these diets could only reduce inflammation, they are hardly to cure these disease. In these situations, you'd better go to hospital to get the treatment.

And if you are confirmed that your situation is genital inflammation, you could try an effective herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. This pill is completely made from natural herbs; it is as safe as the foods we eat in our daily diets. It could not only diminish inflammation, but also could cure these diseases at the same time.

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