Why celibacy 3 to 7 days is necessary before taking EPS

Author: Dr. Lee
Time: 2014/5/24 13:47:15

If one suspects that having prostatitis which can be cured by surgery, antibiotics, physical therapy or Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, to make a diagnosis, what tests he should take and what preparatory work he should do before having test?

EPS (examination of prostatic secretion) also named prostatic fluid exam is an important way to diagnose the presence of prostatitis. However, before taking this test, man needs to avoid sex 3 to 7 days, here, Dr. Lee will tell you the reasons.

As you may know that white blood cell is an important index to diagnose the presence of prostatitis. Generally, the number of white blood cell is less than 10 and they are scattering everywhere under the HP. However, if one has infection on the prostatic fluid, everything changes. The white blood cells are getting together, and the number of white blood cell is increased too. Thus, when one has more than 10 or 15 white blood cells in the prostatic fluid, that means one has had prostatitis.

If man had sex with his partner the day before EPS, the collection will fail, because there is not enough prostatic fluid to collect. Moreover, the number of white blood cells also can be affected by spermiation or mood, so one cannot have sex before test and it is better stay clam when collecting prostatic fluid.

Avoiding sex 3 to 7 days, does that means the longer the better? The answer is no, 7 days is the limit line. If one refuses sex more than 7 days, the diagnosis won't be accurate too, because some materials produced by prostate can make the scattered white blood cells getting together. Thus, the right time of avoiding sex is 3 to 7 days.

If you already have had prostatitis, please do not worry about it too much. It is curable and please is confidence with you and the treatment existed.