The five natural diet remedies men must know for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)

Author: Dr. Lee
Time: 2014/5/21 13:12:29

What is Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also called benign enlargement of the prostate (BEP), is a benign increase in size of the prostate. Clinically, the prostate secretes a fluid which carries sperm from the testicles during ejaculation and the prostate gland usually begins to enlarge when men are about the age of 50. This condition in which the prostate gets enlarged is known as BPH.

According to Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM clinic, some symptoms of BPH are present in approximately 75% of the men over the age of 50. Although they usually do not bring much harm in young periods, but if it is ignored, much harm can be brought. If suffering form the disease, Dr. Lee says, it is not horrible, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is effective. Besides, in order to prevent the BPH, five natural diet remedies men should know. What are the five kinds of natural remedies for BPH?

1. Sesame Seed

Sesame seeds are rich in zinc, a mineral essential to the health of the prostate. According to a study, men with BPH have lower levels of zinc in their bodies, sometimes even up to 75 percent lower than healthy prostates. Besides, zinc that comes from food is easier to absorb than zinc supplements. Thus, it is really helpful for BPH.

2. Salmon

Salmon is rich in fatty acids. Fatty acids can help in the synthesis of prostaglandin which deficiency can help prostate problems. According to a study published in the Alternative Medicine Review, if you are not fond of fish, you can get these foods like walnuts, ground flax seeds, canola oil, and kidney beans.

3. Tofu

A study published in The Journal of Urology showed that Western men also have a higher risk of suffering from BPH. Soybean isoflavones have been linked to a lower risk for an enlarged prostate, according to a study published in The Prostate. Eating more soy might even reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. For other sources of soybean isoflavones, try low-fat soymilk, tempeh, roasted soybeans, soy yogurt, and meat substitutes made with soy.

5. Bell Peppers

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that might play a role in fighting BPH. Not all vitamin C is the same, however. According to Dr .Lee's TCM clinic, only vitamin C obtained from vegetables lowers your risk of an enlarged prostate. Fruits don not offer the same benefit. Bell peppers contain more vitamin C than any other vegetable. One cup of raw bell peppers contains 195 percent of your daily requirement intake of vitamin C.

In summary, there are so many diet remedies, the five foods may be the mainly effective. Thus, men can take them in their whole life. Good diet habits are beneficial to male prostatic health.