The five needed checks to diagnose with endometriosis

Author: Dr. Lee
Time: 2014/3/31 21:11:32

Typical endometriosis patients often have a history of dysmenorrhea, and it can be diagnosed through the history or signs of the disease. However, as the clinical symptoms of endometriosis are various, so the following checks are also needed.

1. The gynecological examination.

Endometriosis physical examination can be changed with different lesions, extent and severity. when they take the pelvic examination for typical endometriosis, we find that this kind of patients usually have retroversion, rectouterine pouch or the tenderness nodules exist in the ligaments of uterine fundus and so on. When cyst happen on the ovarian endometriosis, there always have a thick wall, and often associated with uterine adhesions and it increases in the menstrual period, and narrow after the menstrual period. The main performances are as follows:

Pelvic floor: some hard nodules can be found in the sacral ligament, uterine rectal fossa or posterior wall of the cervix. It often holds the same size with green beans or soybeans as well as obvious tenderness. So most of the time, it is easily to mistake it for malignant tumors.

Ovary: cysts are often associated with adhesions around a fixed, so it often is misdiagnosed as annexitis blocks.

Uterus: the volume of uterine will increase, rear, limited mobility, and the back wall can hit the nodules. This suggests the immanence endometriosis (adenomyosis).

2. B-ultrasonic examination

B-ultrasonic examination is an effective assistant diagnosis of endometriosis. It mainly used to observe the ovarian cysts and uterine adenomyosis.

Cysts: cystic mass or mixed mass, sometime the boundary is clear, and sometimes not.

Inside the cysts: there are some visible particulate tiny echoes. Sometimes show the dense spot images caused by the blood clot.

Location: lumps often located in the rear of the uterus, the uterine adhesions are visible.

3. Laparoscopy exam

Laparoscopy diagnostic is now the gold standard of endometriosis. By taking the laparoscopy exam, we can take a look at pelvic directly, and make a clear diagnosis of ectopic lesion, then determine the treatment options. It is the only means to the patients with infertility or pelvic pain but no positive findings. In addition, this kind of exam can also make the biopsy of suspicious lesions.

4. Related indicators of tumor blood tests

The rises of CA125, CA199 levels rise also suggest the endometriosis activities as well as the risk factors for malignancy. As usually, the normal level is no more than 200IU / L.

5. Antibody test

Endometrial antibodies may be related to the infertility.

Fuyan Pill treatment

Endometriosis affects women's pregnant, so once you diagnose with endometriosis, the timely treatment is necessary. In fact, TCM Fuyan pill is an effective medicine to cure the endometriosis. The Angelica in it can promote blood circulation to regulate menstruation. Trogopterus dung can activate blood and dissolve stasis and relieve pains. All the formulation in it can help to improve the ability of the uterus and take you out from the suffering.