Fuyan Pill Clinical Case - Endometrial Hyperplasia

Author: Dr. Lee
Time: 2013/8/27 16:17:25

Patent Information

Amanda D 46 years old
She used to have regular menses with no experience of pain with menses. 2 years ago she started to experience vaginal bleeding which didn’t stop without medication. After a year she got herself diagnosed by laparoscopy, “endometrial hyperplasia is found, several sac-like lesion can be seen”.

Medical History

Patient had underwent D.&C.(dilatation and curettage) on April 2012, uterus formation was normal with thin endometrium, lesion still could be seen.
Patient was suggested to take Norethindrone for 3 months. 3 months later patient still had abnormal bleeding. A uterus with size 87mm×52mm×62mm was seen via ultrasound. Endometrium thickness is 10mm. Both fallopian tubes and both ovaries are normal.

Patient had another procedure on January 2013, exam result after two months showed a enlarged uterus (like 87 days pregnancy). A uterus with size 80mm×49mm×52mm was seen via ultrasound. Uterine wall is thick and endometrium thickness is 4mm.


Patient was suggested to take Fuyan Pill for 3 months. Patient had a ultrasound test after that which shows uterus size : 72m×47mm×33mm. Patient was required to take one more month Fuyan Pill.

After 4 months medication, patient’s menstrual period lasted for 6 days, no vaginal bleeding was experienced during the last month medication. Ultrasound showed uterine size: 65m×46mm×22mm.