If you are experiencing painful ejaculation, it could be prostatitis

Author: John
Time: 2013/4/22 17:54:58

A young man is experiencing painful ejaculation. He comes to Dr. Lee’s Clinic to consult. Dr. Lee told him to go to hospital to diagnose prostatitis. As a result, this young man has suffered acute prostatitis.

Many people are curious about how to diagnose prostatitis. When you go to hospital to diagnose prostatitis, a doctor performs a digital rectal exam (DRE) by inserting a gloved and lubricated finger into the patient's rectum, just behind the prostate. The doctor can feel the prostate to see if it is swollen or tender in spots.

To confirm the prostate infection, the doctor may obtain two urine samples-before and after prostate massage. To perform a prostate massage, the doctor will insert a gloved and lubricated finger into the rectum, as in a DRE, and stroke the prostate to release fluids from the gland. The post-massage urine sample will contain prostate fluid. If that second urine sample contains bacteria or infection-fighting cells that were not present in the premassage urine sample, this suggests the prostate contains infection.

Thus, urine samples are usually used to diagnose prostatitis. If you are suffering painful ejaculation, you should go to see the doctor to diagnose prostatitis as soon as possible. That young man chooses herbal medicine produced by Dr. Lee and has recovered thoroughly in three months.

If you are diagnosed with prostatitis, you can also choose herbal medicine. Herbal medicine for prostatitis has helped many patients with acute and chronic prostatitis. Dr.Lee’s new herbal medicine has been bringing about a striking effect on treating prostatitis.