What common factors can lead to chronic prostatitis?

Author: Dr. Lee
Time: 2013/3/29 17:52:07

Chronic prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. The prostate is a small gland located below a man’s bladder. It surrounds the urethra and produces most of the fluid in semen.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis is often caused by a bacterial infection. Bacteria get to the prostrate through the urethra. The urethra is the tube that channels urine out of the body.

The infection can also be caused by an infection originating in the bladder, or by a contaminated catheter inserted into the bladder. A urinary catheter is a small, flexible tube that is placed in the body to collect and drain urine from the bladder. Some bacterial infections contribute to the formation of prostate stones that are not expelled during urination. Prostate stones are small (about the size of a poppy seed) and are not always detectable in a physical examination. Infected prostate stones are a common cause of recurring urinary tract infections, and make curing chronic bacterial prostatitis very difficult.

The common factors that can cause chronic prostatitis are as follows:

a blockage of the flow of urine
microorganisms from sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia
an immune system attack on the prostate
uric acid, a compound in urine, causing irritation in the prostate
abnormal functioning of nerves or muscles.

How to treat chronic prostatitis through natural remedy?

Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a new natural herbal remedy for chronic prostatitis. In Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, materials such as polygonum aviculare, dianthus superbus, talc and plantago can clear heat and promot diuresis. Houttuynia can clear toxic materials. Safflower is able to promote blood circulation. There are also various pure herbs which can help patients improve physical conditioning in the meidicine. Thus, prostatitis can be treated effectively. This natural medication has been a step forward in the treatment of chronic prostatitis.