How to treat blood in urine caused by UTI?

Author: John
Time: 2013/3/19 14:58:04

Blood in urine is a very common problem. Blood in the urine is not always visible. If the amount of blood is small, the urine can look normal. This is called microscopic hematuria because the blood cells are visible only under a microscope. Typically, this is discovered when the patient has a urine test for some other reason or as part of a screening examination.

What can cause blood in the urine?
Blood in the urine can come from some conditions that can result in infection, inflammation, or injury to the urinary system. Typically, microscopic hematuria indicates damage to the upper urinary tract (kidneys), while visible blood indicates damage to the lower tract (ureters, bladder, or urethra). But this is not always the case. The most common causes in people younger than 40 years of age are kidney stones or urinary tract infections(UTI).

Thus, UTI is a main reason that can cause blood in the urine. Not everyone with a UTI has symptoms, but common symptoms include a frequent urge to urinate and pain or burning when urinating. More females than males have UTI.

How to treat blood in the urine caused by UTI?

Blood in the urine caused by UTI can be cured by herbal medicine named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. In Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, materials such as polygonum aviculare, dianthus superbus, talc and plantago can clear heat and promot diuresis. Houttuynia can clear toxic materials. Safflower is able to promote blood circulation. There are also various pure herbs which can help patients improve physical conditioning in the meidicine. Thus, UTI can be cured effectively.