What is orchitis and what can cause it?

Author: John
Time: 2012/12/20 17:39:13

What is orchitis?

Orchitis (or-KIE-tis) is an inflammation of one or both testicles, most commonly associated with the virus that causes mumps. At least one-third of males who contract mumps after puberty develop orchitis.

What are the symptoms?

Orchitis symptoms usually develop suddenly. Orchitis symptoms may include:

Swelling in one or both testicles
Pain ranging from mild to severe
Discomfort when sitting
Tenderness in one or both testicles, which may last for weeks
Discharge from penis

What can cause orchitis?

Orchitis can be caused by either a bacterial or viral infection.

Bacterial orchitis
Most often, bacterial orchitis is the result of epididymitis, an inflammation of the coiled tube that connects the vas deferens and the testicle. The vas deferens carries sperm from your testicles. When inflammation in the epididymis spreads to the testicle, the resulting condition is known as epididymo-orchitis.

Epididymitis usually is caused by an infection of the urethra or bladder that spreads to the epididymis. Often the cause of the infection is a sexually transmitted infection (STI), particularly gonorrhea or chlamydia. Other causes of infection may be related to having been born with abnormalities in your urinary tract or having had a catheter or medical instruments inserted into your penis.

Viral orchitis
Most cases of viral orchitis are the result of the mumps virus. About one-third of males who contract the mumps after puberty develop orchitis during their course of the mumps, usually four to seven days after onset.

If you experience pain or swelling in your scrotum, especially if the pain comes on suddenly, see your doctor right away. The doctor can give you some suggestion depending on your condition.