Causes and treatment of bacterial vaginosis

Author: Dr. Lee
Time: 2012/6/7 17:40:15

It is difficult to diagnose bacterial vaginosis because some symptoms of it can be easily confused with those of other vaginal diseases. A large number of patients who suffer from this disease said they didn't even know they had this disease, because for some suffers, there may be no symptoms at all. Misdiagnosis happens sometimes, that may not result from an inexperienced doctor, the reason is that usually numerous tests are required to be taken to help make a definite diagnosis. Commonly, we should know some general symptoms of bacterial vaginosis to assist us.    

Vaginal itching

Vaginal itching is probably the least reliable way to tell if you have bacterial vaginosis or not because it happens with yeast infections also. If you experience the vaginal itching, you can take some hydrogen peroxide and a cotton ball and apply it to the itchy area. It helps to instantly stop the itching while also killing the bacteria. Collodial silver is effective for this purpose too. Just make sure to always wash your hands because you don't want it to come back as a single touch can cause a recurrence.

Urination burning

When you're urinating, you may discover that there's a burning sensation that occurs with it. There are some products available on the market that can help in relieving the burning for a few hours, but they don't necessarily go treat the cause. Another great way to try to cure it is to drink some tea, water, or some type of fruit juice. Sodas are bad and can actually help to worsen the bacterial vaginosis as the bacteria will feed on the sugar and grow. Your immune system may be weak so you want to avoid anything that will feed the bacteria.

Urination burning isn't the best way to determine if you have bacterial vaginosis because there are many other conditions that can lead to it. A urinary tract infection is a perfect example that tends to cause urination burning. There are many remedies you can use to stop the burning such as taking an Alka-Seltzer at the first sign of the burning sensation. Some people have actually noted that it cures it, but it's only because the PH within the body is unbalanced.

Fishy odor and abnormal discharge

One symptom that can indicate whether you have bacterial vaginosis is if you have a fishy odor. The vagina does have somewhat of a smell to it that's mild and normal, but the fishy odor tends to be strong and sometimes quite noticeable. If you become aware of that smell, it's best to get to a doctor to get it checked out to make sure you don't have any severe health issues arising. The discharge can be abnormal in appearance; for example, it can be white/grey and look thin. People tend to describe it as a milky, thin discharge. The discharge and the fishy odor are the best ways in determining whether you have bacterial vaginosis or not.

What if you have bacterial vaginosis?
Once you doubt if you have this disease, what you should do? Please do not feel anxious and do as the following procedures.  

1. Schedule an appointment with your health care provider. You must see a gynecologist, nurse practitioner or trained medical professional, in order to confirm that you have bacterial vaginosis. Your health care provider must give you certain tests to determine if you have BV.

2. Meet with your health care provider and describe your symptoms to him. Next, your doctor must give you an examination and gather a sample of your discharge to send to the laboratory for testing. A lab technician or medical professional, may perform the Whiff test, a stain test, check for loss of acidity and look for certain identifying cells in your discharge. If your discharge has a "fishy" odor, your pH balance is higher than 4.5 and you have clue cells in your discharge, then a diagnosis can be made that you have BV.

3. Wait for your test results to come in from the lab. You may or may not receive your test results on the same day as your doctor's appointment. More than likely, you must wait approximately 3 to 5 days before you receive your test results. Your doctor or nurse should call you when the results are back.

4. Discuss treatment options with your doctor. If you have BV, then you should immediately begin treatment. Normally, doctors prescribe antibiotics (metronidazole "flagyl", clindamycin or tinidazole pills) for an entire week. Or you can use a vaginal cream (metrogel) or (cleocin) for a week.

5. Take your medicine as prescribed by your doctor. Be sure to finish all of it, even if you feel better in a couple of days. Notify your doctor if you have any severe or unusual side effects to the medication.

6. Return to your doctor's office for a follow-up visit. Once you finish your medication, you should see your doctor to confirn that the BV is gone. She may or may not take another vaginal sample to send to the lab.

Bacterial vaginosis treatment

A good BV treatment should be started in the home. Bacterial Vaginosis home remedies are often just as good or much better than treatments you will find elsewhere. Plus not everyone can tolerate antibiotic based treatments, not to mention not everyone can afford such treatments.

Cold Pack - This consists of a cloth or washcloth which you will run under cold water. Then take the cloth and gently compress the affected area, holding it there or else patting it down gently. The blood vessels will be forced to restrict with the cold pack compressed, thus allowing the swelling and pain to subside.

Vitamin E - This vitamin has been shown to be an effective BV treatment, and you can actually get it in a topical form. This means you can use it as a cream and apply it directly to the affected area.

Douching - Restoring your "vaginal PH" will stop bacteria from growing and harming the good bacteria that you do need. You can use either a boric acid douche treatment, or a vinegar douche by mixing a tablespoon of vinegar to 1/4th a cup of warm water.

Yogurt - You can actually apply yogurt (plain yogurt only) to the affective area. Yogurt will also bring back the balance of good and bad bacteria. Eating a few cups a day will help, but you can also apply it directly by inserting a yogurt soaked tampon for about an hour.

If you find these methods are not suitable for you, please do not give up. Try other treatments. It was reported that some herbal remedies Fuyan Pill from traditional Chinese medical science provides a solution.