E. coli bacteria linked to cystitis

Author: Dr. Lee
Time: 2012/4/9 17:35:03

The definition of cystitis means an irritation or inflammation of a person's urinary bladder.

This is a very common condition, especially in women.

The symptoms that occur when a person is suffering from cystitis is urinary frequency.

A person that suffers this condition may have bouts of the urge to urinate every few minutes. When this occurs, they may also experience burning on urination.

Many times, a person who is suffering from cystitis can have a fever, pain, urinary frequency, urinary burning, multiple awakenings through the night to empty their bladder. They also may have a feeling that their bladder is not emptying completely.

If a person is suffering from cystitis-like symptoms, they should see their doctor. Many times this condition can be treated very effectively with an antibiotic.

The usual cause of cystitis in this country is the bacteria E. coli. Many people have heard of E. coli. The kind of E. coli that people have heard of is the kind that creates a toxin and has been associated with extreme illnesses and even death. There is a less virulent E. coli bacteria that exists in a person's system.

This E. coli can actually help the person's digestive system but if this bacteria ends up in the urinary system, it can lead to an infection and more than likely the infection would be in a person's urinary bladder.

If a person is experiencing urinary frequency, they should see their family doctor for a complete evaluation.