What Factors Causes Female Infertility?

Author: John
Time: 2011/8/17 17:28:46

Female infertility refers to the state of a women who is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. It is a problem which bothers many women.

There are some factors which causes this condition:

1 Vulva and vagina condition
If the vulva or vagina is abnormal, like congenital absence of vagina, would make you unable to have common sexual intercourses.

2 Uterine condition
Uterine is where the germ cell implants and grows. If the uterine is abnormal or inflamed, there would also be a implantation problem. Commonly a uterine condition occurs at endometrium. Thick endometrium, endometriosis, adenomyosis are all causes of infertility.

3 Cervix condition
Nearly 15% of female infertility sufferers has this problem because of cervix condition. If the cervix is inflamed, the p.H. of vagina changes. This may cause death of sperm.

4 Abnormal fallopian tube
This condition included salpingitis, hydrosalpinx, tubal obstruction, and other tubal condition. This can be the most common cause of female infertility. Any medical condition of fallopian tube may cause infertility.

Female infertility should be treated aiming at its causes. To have it cured, you should visit your doctor, find the cause, and then the treatment can be planned.