How PID occur on unmarried women

Author: Dr. Lee
Time: 2011/6/21 17:26:03

As one of common diseases on women, PID do huge harm to women's health. Even most of PID sufferers are married women, it is still possible for unmarried women to have a PID.

How PID occur on unmarried women?

1 Masturbation with dirty appliances.
Masturbation common occur on unmarried women. Dirty fingers or dirty appliances can carry pathogens. When they enter the vagina and rub the vaginal wall, pathogens would probably infect the vagina, and later the uterine and fallopian tubes.

2 Bad habits.
Vulva areas are wet and hot, which is a proper environment for the breeding of bacteria. Regularly cleaning can keep it clean. If vulva area cannot be cleaned in time, large amount of bacteria would infect you,especially during menses. Immunity is lower during periods, it would be more easy for bacteria to infect the vagina and the whole genital system. Swimming during periods can be most risky.

3 Appendicitis.
Appendicitis can be one of the causes of PID too. Appendicitis left untreated may cause a spread of inflammation to the pelvic cavity. Acute enteritis can also cause inflammation in women's genital system too.

So it is suggested that as long as you found any sign of diseases, go visit your doctor. However, of course, it is better to keep good habits, to prevent yourself from diseases.

Key words: PID cuases; PID occur; PID treatment; PID prevention