How to Treat Male Interility Caused by Mycoplasma Infection?

Author: John
Time: 2011/6/3 16:45:28

How to Treat Male Interility Caused by mycoplasma Infection? To solve this problem, firstly, we must understand that it has to be taken seriously once men test positive for mycoplasma, for mycoplasma can infect men’s seminal tract, seminal vesicle and testicle, thus affecting men’s sperm and causing male infertility. Chinese scholars’ survey suggests that 40% of Chinese men suffering from infertility test positive for mycoplasma. It is thus clear what a impact mycoplasma infection exerts on male infertility.

Secondly, what’s the symptom of male infertility caused by mycoplasma infection? It certainly is infertility. If there are other symptoms, they may be related to the parts of urogenital system infected with mycoplasma, about which no more words need to be said. The only thing that needs to be pointed out is that mycoplasma infection often starts with urethra infection, and then other organs and tissues of urogenital system will get a secondary infection. Therefore, it is said that mycoplasma infection needs to be treated timely until it is completely cured.

Thirdly, the reason for male infertility caused by mycoplasma infection lies in that mycoplasma pathogen can be attached to the head or end of sperms, lowers sperm motility by overburdening sperms and even makes sperms entwined with one another, thus causing infertility. Besides, mycoplasma can also lead to sperm deformity. A survey suggests that among patients suffering from infertility caused by mycoplasma infection, sperm deformity rate can be as high as 80%. What’s more, mycoplasma can damage cells that produce sperms and lead to infertility.

So how to treat male infertility caused by mycoplasma infection? From abovesaid words, we know that male infertility caused by mycoplasma infection is the consequence of a series of complications of mycoplasma infection. Accordingly, male infertility caused by mycoplasma infection is better to be treated by doctors of traditional Chinese medicine who have ideas of overall treatment. Diuresis Antiphlogistic Pill, a kind of TCM, is very effective in treatment of diseases of the whole urogenital system. Consequently, Diuresis Antiphlogistic Pill is a desirable choice for treatment of male infertility caused by mycoplasma infection.

Key words: infertility; mycoplasma; cure infertility; treat infertility