Treatment of acute cystitis to quickly

Author: Dr. Lee
Time: 2010/11/26 16:50:05

Acute bacterial cystitis majority of Escherichia coli bacteria, treatment is very important to control infection as quickly as possible. Otherwise it would be prolonged course with chronic, causing difficulties to the subsequent treatment.

Acute cystitis can occur suddenly or slowly, the urethra has burning pain when urinating, frequent urination, often accompanied by urinary urgency, similar to severe urinary incontinence, urinary frequency urgency often particularly evident in up to 5 to 6 times per hour or more, each time in urine are small, or even only a few drops of urination terminal may have lower abdominal pain. Urine is thick with the smell of corruption, there is pus, and sometimes hematuria, often evident in end-stage. Suprapubic area with mild tenderness. Can be seen in some patients with mild back pain. Inflammatory lesions confined to the bladder mucosa, often without fever and increased white blood cell, systemic symptoms are mild or absent, some patients feel tired. Shorter duration of acute cystitis, such as timely treatment, signs and symptoms disappear in about 1 week.

Treatment should use low toxicity, oral convenient, inexpensive drugs. Concrete should be as follows.

(1) acute cystitis patients need bed rest, drinking water, avoid spicy food. '

(2) hot hip bath, and promote blood circulation. Can improve symptoms.

(3) alkaline urine to ease bladder spasms, commonly used drugs are sodium bicarbonate.

(4) Select the appropriate antibiotics: for simple cystitis, promoting the use of short-term antibiotic therapy (3 to 5 days), can minimize drug-resistant strains and increased side effects. 3, treatment can be used cotrimoxazole, amoxicillin, Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium, first and second days to oral cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, doxycycline and so on. Such as duration of symptoms> 7, the recent history of urinary tract infection, vaginal application of diaphragm and / or spermicides, aged> 65 years of age and pregnant women, can be used 7 days therapy. Nitrofurantoin can be used alone, Jing therapy: fosfomycin trometamol 3g. Sexually transmitted diseases (srI'D) risk factors, pathogens chlamydia trachomatis often advised to use doxycycline 100mg, 2 times a day, 7 days or azithromycin single oral dose of 1.0g. When the effect is not satisfied with the urinary system to carry out a comprehensive inspection. Symptoms after controlling urine routine review needed to see whether there are white blood cells in urine. (Antibiotic treatment for reference only and do not represent views of the site, please patients appropriate medication, as was prescribed medication)

Induced acute cystitis majority of E. coli bacteria, then the effective ability of phagocytic bacteria drug combination therapy can really achieve the purpose. Antibiotics for bacterial phagocytosis can not be questioned, it can quickly achieve the purpose of treating the symptoms. However, antibiotic treatment of chronic cystitis, but by eliminating the bacteria, but very poor diuretic effect. For sufferers of chronic cystitis, antibiotics and greater ills lies in its kidney damage. Clinically proven, aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, diuretics, and contrast agents are the main drugs of renal toxicity. Antibiotics in the first row of renal injury. Broad-spectrum antimicrobial diuretic anti-inflammatory pill, expelling blood stasis and pain relief, inflammation against bacteria and other pathogens effectively swallow the blood circulation through a direct function of the bladder infection site and the surrounding tissues and organs, on pathogens have a significant direct role in killing; expelling blood stasis effect can improve blood circulation around the lesions, and macrophages and is conducive to bacterial components into the bladder and surrounding tissue lesion sites play a role in promoting drug absorption. Clinically proven, diuretic anti-inflammatory pills for cystitis main pathogenic E. coli negative rate of 93.4%, for other kinds of negative rates, the purpose of healing. Diuretic anti-inflammatory pills control bacterial growth, kill infectious bacteria, eliminate the causes and control of primary infection focus.

Therefore, rapid treatment with a diuretic anti-inflammatory pills acute cystitis and antibiotic stopped using diuretic anti-inflammatory pills after the consolidation of the correct treatment can be effective treatment for acute cystitis, acute cystitis prevent persistent, become difficult to treat chronic cystitis.