Home Remedies for Male infertility

Author: Dr. Lee
Time: 2011/3/4 15:32:12

There are a few steps you can take at home to increase your chances of achieving pregnancy:

1) Increase frequency of sex.

Having sexual intercourse every other day may increase your chances of getting your partner pregnant. However, ejaculating more often than every 48 hours may reduce your sperm count.

2) Have sex when fertilization is possible.

A woman is likely to become pregnant during ovulation — which occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, between periods. Experts generally recommend having intercourse every two days near the time of ovulation. This will ensure that sperm, which can live several days, are present when conception is possible.

3) Avoid the use of lubricants.

Some products such as Astroglide or K-Y jelly, lotions, and saliva have been shown to reduce sperm movement. Ask your doctor about sperm-safe lubricants