You Do Not Have To Suffer From Prostatitis

Author: Dr. Lee
Time: 2011/3/8 15:35:52

If you have a bacterial prostatitis, your doctor will quickly and easily diagnose it with some simple tests. He will give you an appropriate antibiotic and that should clear it up. Or, if you don't like anti-biotics, you may want to give colloidal Silver Water a try.
If you have what is called "non-bacterial" prostatitis he will let you know. Non-bacterial prostatitis is also often called: non specific prostatitis.
In common language "non specific prostatitis" translates to: "We don't really know what it is or why you have it". There is no medical remedy for non-bacterial prostatitis.
By medical statistics, there are 8 times as many cases of non-bacterial prostatitis as there are of bacterial prostatitis.
Now here's the problem: there are actually two kinds of "non-bacterial" prostatitis.
The first kind (which we will discuss on this page) is caused by congestion and lack of blood supply. Too much sex will do that. Too much sitting will also.
The second kind is actually bacterial, but is labeled non-bacterial because the bacteria are trapped inside the acini (small sacs) in the prostate gland.
These bacterial do not "shed" into the urine or semen. So, they go undetected in standard lab tests.
That type of non-bacterial prostatitis (which I personally had), has been very effectively and quickly remedied with colloidal Silver Water I have suffered from both kinds of prostatitis. And, I have cleared them both up completely!
This page is devoted to showing you proven ways to soothe the pain of non-bacterial prostatitis that is caused by poor blood flow. So let's get started!

The Good News Is

With proper massage and care, you can relieve the pain! You can even become pain free! Even if you have been suffering from Chronic Prostatitisfor years. Or even decades! You can now find complete relief.

The Most Soothing Prostatitis Pain Treatments
That You Can Use Right NOW!

If you need some relief right now, click on the chapter titled Immediate Pain Relief. These methods are immediately soothing.
They are very simple and very effective.
When I first learned about these prostate treatments I was in terrible pain. Pain killers did nothing. I was very afraid. The first time I ever did the Vibrating Massage my

Pain Decreased By At Least 80%!

I was almost in tears from the relief!
The Internal Prostate Massage is also very effective. But, it does not provide as much immediate soothing relief.
Of course, my prostatitis pain did not disappear completely. Even though I started using that Vibrating Massage almost daily. That is because I had not remedied the cause. I just did not know I was causing it or why it was happening.
Once I learned the causes of my prostatitis problems, I learned how to remedy them with proper exercise, nutrition, and nutritional supplements.

Then My Pain Disappeared!

I didn't realize I was causing all that pain from many of my daily living habits.
The same holds true for you. You are causing your prostatitis problems! You're not doing it intentionally. You just don't know what you are doing each day that is actually causing your prostate pain and problems.
But, the fact of the matter is,

Things You Do In Your Daily Life Are The Cause!

Nothing in this entire universe happens by accident or mystery. Everything has a cause. Maybe not intentional. But, a cause never the less.
You should take that as the most wonderful news! Because, it means YOU can fix your prostatitis problems.
As soon as you are clear on that point, you can locate the causes and remove them.

You Can Feel Good Again!

You can have great sex again! That may sound too good to be true. Especially if you have suffered from prostatitis for years, as I did. However, once I located the sources (quite a few!) of my own prostate problems, I was able to make the problems and the pain disappear.
Whenever I have a recurrence of prostate pain I look at what I have been doing. How I have been living. What I have been overdoing. I can then find my answer and fix up my pain in a short period of time.

What You Must Know Is:

any unnatural practices or overindulgences that are part of your life could be causing you your problems.
Life is really quite simple and pain free when we live naturally. Wild animals live long healthy practically totally disease free lives in natural conditions. Human do too.
But we are Humans! We love to play with things, and change things, and tamper with things, and do all kinds of things that just are not natural and that don't do us any good.
When you are young and healthy, these harmful things often seem to be the best fun! But, they take a toll. Your body pays a price for them. Pain is a sign that your body has run out of ability to pay this price and is being injured.

Correct Prostate Massage
Will Make You Feel Better!

But, if you are going to get rid of the pain and problems you have to correct the unhealthful living habits that cause them. If you don't, you will never become pain free. Sorry, but it's true.
There are many things that can cause actual non-bacterial prostatitis. But,

There Are Two Specfic Things
That Will Practically Always Cause You Prostate Pain

The first is too much sex. I know, that's a difficult one to give up in any way. But, if you over do it, you will suffer.
Sex is natural, and necessary, and fun, and one of the best things you can do! But, our society puts far too much emphasis on constant sex. That's not healthy.
Your prostate will try it's hardest to have sex all you want. But, it will strain and swell in the process. And that will hurt you.
So, how much is too much? That depends a lot on genetics and your own lifestyle and general health.
As rule of thumb, you can take a look at what Chinese medicine (which has been around for over 10,000 years) suggests: For teenagers, twice a day may not be too much. For men in their 20s five to seven times a week is MAXIMUM. For men in their 30s, three to four times a week. 40s, twice a week. 50s once a week. 70s maybe only once a month.
You must understand that your sexual apparatus is not only the most fun toy that God gave you. It has a purpose. Like any other gland in your body, if you stress it out, it will malfunction.
If you are suffering from non specific prostatitis, and you are not impotent, cut back on your sexual activity. Give your prostate a chance to rest and recover. Stop stressing it out! Give the swelling a chance to subside.
Stop all sexual activity for a while and let your prostate rest until the pain goes away.
If you are impotent, you can use the Chinese suggestions above for frequency of prostate milking. It still is necessary to keep your fluids moving while you are healing.
Stagnant body fluids are a breeding ground for disease. Prostate milking, unlike ejaculation, does not stress the prostate.
In most cases, impotence does not have to be permanent.
The second worst things you can do for your prostate is sit in a chair all day long. Most of us do that! It is probabally

The Single Most Harmful Habit We All Have

Who would ever suspect that sitting all day could make your prostate scream with pain? Well it can! Simply because you radically reduce the blood supply to your lower abdomin when you sit a lot.
When you sit a lot, the blood vessels running to and from your prostate get pinched. It is like strangling your prostate!
If your job forces you to sit for many hours each day, you must learn how to combat the harmful effects of sitting. Proper prostate massage, done regularly, can do that for you! Proper massage can help keep you healthy and pain free.
You will learn how to do these prostate massages on this site! All the massages you need to know, with instructions, are listed on the Nav bar on the left of this page.

These Massages Can Bring You Huge Relief
In A Very Short Time!

I'll give you complete easy to follow instructions on how to do them the very best ways.
However, you must keep these things in mind:
-- If you eat lots of sugars and processed junk all day, you are never going to feel very well again.
-- If you drink a lot of alcohol, you're killing your prostate!
-- If you never move your body around (or exercise), your chances of feeling really good again are close to zero.
-- If you don't feed your body the specific nutrients it needs to regenerate itself or sleep enough, how is your body supposed to regenerate?
The things you will learn here are not hard to do. They are simple. And, they don't require a lot of time. You just have to do them to have them work.You probabally won't have to do everything you will learn here. But, you'll learn what you need to know.
You will learn which are the best prostate supplements for your prostate and what the best foods are to nourish your prostate. You will even learn the Miracle Prostate Exercise.
This is a short and easy exercise that will refresh you throughout your day. It takes only 15 seconds to perform. And, it will make you feel better all over!
The really nice part of all this is, not only will your prostatitis feel amazingly better (even if you've suffered for years!). Your entire Health and Well Being will improve dramatically by taking proper care of your body.
You will sleep better, you will have more energy, you'll be more alert, and you'll have a much improved sex life. That's no hype. That's the life you were meant to have!