What is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?

Author: Dr. Lee
Time: 2012/2/29 10:32:19

What is Female pelvic cavity?
Female pelvic cavity refers to the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, pelvic peritoneum and connective tissues around the uterus. The inflammation of these tissues is known as pelvic inflammatory disease.

What is Pelvid Inflammatory Disease?
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease refers to the infection of the woman's cervix by mycoplasma, chlamydia and a variety of bacteria via sex, thereby causing cervicitis; and then these pathogens continue to infect pelvic cavity, causing Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.

Although the PID infection itself may be cured, effects of the infection may be permanent. This makes early identification by someone who can prescribe appropriate curative treatment very important in the prevention of damage to the reproductive system. Since early gonococcal infection may be asymptomatic, regular screening of individuals at risk for common agents (history of multiple partners, history of any unprotected sex, or people with symptoms) or because of certain procedures (post pelvic operation, postpartum, miscarriage or abortion). Prevention is also very important in maintaining viable reproduction capabilities.
If the initial infection is mostly in the lower tract, after treatment the person may have few difficulties. If the infection is in the fallopian tubes or ovaries, more serious complications are more likely to occur.