These 4 Symptoms Indicate a Bad Kidney

Author: John
Time: 2019/7/20 17:32:18

It is appropriate to use the term "quiet disease" to describe kidney disease, because patients often have no pain or itching in the early stages of the disease, and it is not until a long time later that they find out they could have kidney problems. As such, there are many patients who miss the best treatment time, resulting in poor treatment outcomes and high mortality. It can be said that the sooner or later of the timing of the detection on kidney disease means the difference between life and death. 

Kidney disease, although is quietly running on, but not without any trace, the following is the 4 typical symptoms of pre-renal disease. 

1. Changes in urination 

It is known that the basic function of the kidney is to produce urine and simultaneously remove metabolites and certain wastes from the body. As a result, the kidneys often express their agony by changing their urination habits. These changes include decreased urine output, increased frequency of urination, changes in the color of the urine, the presence of bubbles in the urine, unusual odor in the urine, pain during defecation, and the presence of blood in the urine. 


2. Protein in urine 

Urine contains blood that can be observed with the naked eye, but protein can only be detected clinically. Healthy people have a small amount of protein in their urine, while patients with kidney disease could have protein and blood cells to leak into the urine due to kidney damage, which will cause a significant increase in the protein content in the urine. Medically, it is called proteinuria. The clinical diagnostic criteria are: the total daily urine protein is continuously more than 150 mg; the urine protein/creatinine ratio is > 200 mg. Therefore, it is recommended that you have annual physical examination to see if there is protein in their urine, for people with diabetes, the examination should be more regular.


3. Back pain 

Many people mistaken kidney pain for low back pain, sometimes think it is the pain below the ribs and even on the sides. But unlike simple low back pain, kidney problems include loss of appetite, changes in taste, difficulty in thinking, dizziness, headache, fatigue, itching and rash. 

4. Anaemia 

People with kidney disease may have anemia. Because the kidneys help produce red blood cells, while the problems with the kidneys could affect the production of red blood cells, causing some symptoms of anemia. 

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