60 grams of Nuts a Day, Sexual Function Improves

Author: John
Time: 2019/8/30 16:53:03

Researchers from the Department of Human Nutrition and the Pere Virgili Institute of Health (IISPV) at the University of Rovira I Virgili (Taragona, Spain) found that eating 60 grams of nuts a day can improve sexual function. They conducted their first nutritional intervention study with healthy participants of childbearing age to determine whether the eating nuts regularly had any effect on sexual function. 

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The analysis is part of the FERTINUTS project, which aims to assess the impact of regular nuts consumption on semen quality.

Samples and outcomes show that the prevalence of erectile and sexual dysfunction is thought to affect 2% of men under 40, 52% of men between 40 and 70, and more than 85% of men over 80. Risk factors associated with sexual and erectile dysfunction are smoking, excessive drinking, lack of physical exercise, stress, and unhealthy diet. 

Similarly, bad habits such as smoking and drinking can also cause prostatitis and other reproductive system diseases. Therefore, prostatitis is also one of the factors causing erectile dysfunction. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can effectively help patients improve symptoms and get a cure.

In a previous study, the same team described how certain nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds) improve sperm quality, although no studies have proved the positive effects of these nuts on sexual function.

A recent study was conducted on 83 people who followed a Western diet (fruits and vegetables are poor and rich in animal fat). Participants were divided into two groups: one group continued to follow a normal Western diet for more than 14 weeks, while the other group said they ate 60 grams of walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds a day. 

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At the end of the study period, everyone completed an internationally certified questionnaire called IIEF-15, which contained 15 questions about sexual function. The results showed that adding walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds to an unhealthy Western diet could improve sexual desire and orgasm. 

The researchers also pointed out that further studies involving more participants were needed to confirm these results and determine how these benefits could be generated. The study was published in the Journal of Nutrients Science.

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