• Chlamydia treatment? What medicine should I take?

    I took 2 pills of azithromax (something like that) at one time and my husband took 4 at one time. Should this cure it? I've been reading that the treatments aren't working...a little nevous?

    Guest - 2016/10/29 9:36:00 - 0 Answers
  • Best Answer: Hi, for chlamydia happen in couples, it's essential for couples to cure the disease at the same time, and for more information, you could see here : http://www.99eyao.com/english/a/a9730.htm.
    And if antibiotics cannot cure your disease, I suggest you to try herbal medicine Fuyan Pill and Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, because these two kinds of herbal medicine have good effects on treating female and male chlamydia disease within 3 months.
    Then during your treatment time, you should also pay attention that do not have unprotected sex, because this will cause cross infection, which is not good for your treatment, and also have sex as less as you could, because these will be good for your recovery.
    Except that, take more fruits and vegetables, and do not eat some spicy food. Drink more water and have a good rest.
    Guest - 2016/11/19 17:19:00
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